Spirited Poetry 2019
Pilgrimages and journeys
In this theme, great work may refer to Makkah, Varanasi, Bethlehem, Amritsar, Bodh Gaya or many other spiritual places where pilgrims gather. But it could be about your own pilgrimage through life. Why are these journeys significant? What makes a pilgrim – is it something in your heart? What do you think people get out of their spiritual journeys? What guides people on life’s journey? Are our holy books like maps for the pilgrim? And what hopes are fulfilled at the journey’s end?
Use wise sayings from scripture or other sources to reflect in your art if you can.
Good or BadWinner
Eve (Age 12)
Solihull School
We attack our enemies
Our enemies attack us
"We are good,they are bad"
"They are bad,we are good"
But why is this repetitive circle
The only way we seem to live
What if we changed our point of view
To think a different way?
So I'll go on a pilgrimage
I journey over sea
Then maybe when I come back
I'll view the world like never before
What if we were equals
And the world was a different place?
What if we all stopped for a while
And left our busy way behind?
If we all went on pilgrimage
And walked as equals, side by side.
Click here to hear this poem read by guest judge Paul Cookson.
Journey round the Ka'bahWinner
Mursal (Age 15)
Fulham Cross Girls' School
Journey round the Ka'bah
"Sweat dripping, blood pumping belly aching
I push forward with my body shaking...
But it's worth it for the creator of everything.
It's the 12th month of the lunar year
And I need to go seven times around
But it's worth it for the forgiver of sins.
The temperature's at 40 degrees
I have four rounds to go: exhausted...
But it's worth it for the giver of all.
Built by Ibrahim but destroyed by the Quraysh
All hope was lost but then Allah helped us...
So it's worth it for my Lord."
Click here to hear this poem read by guest judge Paul Cookson.
Journey Through LifeWinner
Dariya (Age 10)
Shrewsbury International School
Journey through life
"Sometimes a simple thing can make you see,
beyond the typical existence.
There are no ways to run and be free.
New knowledge has a strong persistent .
There's so much wisdom in the words,
And power in the understanding.
But everyone has different roads,
At times the roads have walls and endings.
The journey starts at times through books,
At times with just a glimpse of danger.
It's not as easy as it looks,
Life can sometimes be such a stranger.
You ask it questions and converse.
You try and hide your darkest secrets.
But she at times has no remorse,
And drops you in a brand new frequence.
You feel exhausted and in pain,
And ask her questions of great darkness.
But life will show a brand new lane,
That looks so light and not so hopeless."
Click here to hear this poem read by guest judge Paul Cookson.
Anika (Age 7)
Church Hill CofE Junior School
Journeys Taken To See The New Born Baby Jesus
angel telling
Mary listening
Mary worrying
oh dear me
Joseph marrying
Mary loving
journey starting
journey ending
Bethlehem crowding
donkey clip clopping
inn filling
keeper talking
stable smelling
baby crying
shepherds coming
star glowing
star shining
Men following
king of kings
Click here to hear this poem ready by guest judge Paul Cookson.
A Pilgrim's StoryWinner
Jacob (Age 12)
York High School
A Pilgrim's Story
As we walk along the ancient streets,
With years of history beneath our feet.
Stories we shared along the way,
All following what signposts say.
They lead us to the ancient town,
Where the king once lived, but wore no crown.
The man was humble with nothing to loose,
Yet they still called him 'King of the Jews'.
He lived his life as a preacher,
To anyone who listed: man or creature.
He had no food to prepare a dish,
Yet he fed five thousand with bread and fish.
People came from miles around,
To share this man and hear his sound.
The first of the pilgrims to make their way,
To see and hear what the man had to say.
Trouble followed with every turn,
They didn't want the people to learn.
The Romans and the priests from this cold town,
Wanted to bring the Jew King down.
They arranged with on of his trusty ten,
To betray the man and his den
He told them where he could find their enemy,
He would be in the Garden of Gethsemane.
He was taken by them to stand his trial,
Found guilty of heresy with no denial.
To be taken at once to be crucified,
And this is how the good man died.
Two thousand years on, the pilgrims roam,
Around the city of rock and stone.
To find out answers to their prayers,
In the churches and religious lairs.
They use their Bible as a holy map,
To walk this town lap after lap.
The pilgrim's rejoice and give the nod,
Because in body and mind,they have truly found God.
Ella (Age 9)
Aberford C of E Primary School
Death is a strong word.
And I am dead!
Laid in my coffin, waiting for the journey.
My journey.
I grab my ticket before I leave for the corpse carriage.
Nervous and worried, anxious and insecure,
I step into the darkened carriage of the afterlife.
Who knows where I'll end up.
Maybe in Hell - maybe in Heaven - only God knows.
Many people are in the carriage of despair or good fortune,
They are all waiting for their surprise stops - just like me!
But, this is my journey.
Carriage stop one the very bottom
HELL - only a few have managed to disappoint God.
Stop two - further questioning about life on earth - good or bad
Stop three - Will re-examine - those who know they have sinned
but are given another chance to explain - to repent their sins.
Stop four - Return as a form that is not human, but an object that shall not move to its own platform.
Stop five - Return as a soul that haunts every ones dreams forevermore
Stop six - You shall guide all baby's births and make sure they are well.
Stop seven Heaven - My stop. I have pleased God, thank you
"But you have earned it young one!"
Follow the Diva LightsWinner
Marceau (Age 7)
Riverside Primary School
Follow The Diva Lights
When the night is windy and scary,
When the night is spooky and cold,
When the night is gloomy and stormy,
Follow the diva lights and it will guide you home.
When the road is polluted and bumpy,
When the road is lonely and long,
When the road is abandoned and hard,
Follow the diva lights and it will
guide you home.
When the city is silent and empty,
When the city is quiet and terrifying,
When the city is frightening and sticky,
Follow the diva lights and it will guide you
When the light is blazing and shiny,
When the light is shining and flaming,
When the light is welcoming and guiding,
Follow the diva light and it will
guide you home.
Hajj Pilgrimage PoemWinner
Sohail (Age 12)
Solihull School
Hajj Pilgrimage Poem
Hajj is a place where Muslims must go
Hajj is beautiful,intriguing and sweet
Hajj has mysteries for me to meet
I like to get sins washed away
And read at the holy Kaaba on a Jumma Friday
It is so hard to walk in the still,scorching hot sun
But this is something we Muslims must do before life is done
This is not a holiday but this journey must be accomplished
This holy mission was sent by God for us to obey
And do whatever risks it takes for us to risk a good life
I heard that some people just go because their loved ones are gone
But the main thing is that they go for religion and God before their life is done
Saskia (Age 17)
St Mary's School
"Another night slinks by,
You wait,silent as a stone.
When new day comes, Mother rises
From her well-twigged,downy throne.
Light brings warmth like bubbling song,
Creeps through the hollow,calling.
But you stay safe beneath that shield,
Nothing tempts you, not Mother,not Morning .
The flock is off!Countless wings
Lend voices to the dawning call,
Be brave, still fledgling! You reply:
I'm yet too young,too small,
Days fly by ,hope on,peck past,
While still unbroken is your shell.
Mother despairs, her unmet child
Trapped inside that small, round cell.
Till one unlikely rain-soaked day
Scratch upon scratch, ceiling a-quaky.
Awake.Unfurl.Stretch damp wings,
Twitching for a Journey."
Lourdes AcrosticWinner
Isabelle (Age 10)
Driffield Junior School
Lourdes Acrostic
Live a life blessed by Mary.
Opportunity to be healed.
United in faith.
Respect the community.
Drink the holy water.
Embrace people for who they are.
See the grotto where Mary appeared to Burnadette.
Mecca come to MeccaWinner
Fatimah (Age 7)
Curwen Primary School
Mecca come to Mecca
The journey pilgrimage to perform Hoü and Umrah
There blessing there blessing
For every Muslim for every Muslim
We walk around the Kabba 7 times
It makes you closer to the Lord
Reward for this action in the here after in the garden
of paradise
Out of the Cage Winner
Shaya (Age 12)
Solihull School
Out of the Cage
Packing my bags,tired and weary
The morning is dull, dark and dreary.
I open the door, and step outside
They said it would be fun, I'm sure they lied.
The path ahead,exhausting and long
The morning fast approaching, I hear a mockingbird song.
Through the good things,the bad ones are sifting.
Slowly but surely, my spirits are lifting.
The feeling, I've felt nothing like it before
My legs are burning, my feet are sore.
But I'm filled to the brim with joyful delight,
It feels as though I'm a bird mid-flight.
Though I'm leaving, my spirits are overflowing with hope.
I have something to hang on to, a spiritual rope.
The view was dazzling,truly pure.
It moved me and touched my very core
Twisha (Age 11)
Ayelsbury High School
I need to go an a Pilgrimage- what should I take
Got jobs to do and acquaintances to make
However packing isn't a piece of cake ...
A bit of devotion with finding what's true
A pinch of love wouldn't hurt
And of course nobody can ever forget the words:
"Remember to pack some advice from an expert!"
Maybe I'll add a sprinkle of honesty,
And a sat nav for staying on the right path
I'll add a tin of good deeds
So God doesn't show his wrath!
In the spiritual merchandise shop
I know exactly what I'll buy
I'll buy a lesson for life
That shows me how fast time can fly...
So that's my packing done- and now I can relax,
Knowing that on the way to seeing God, I have finally left my tracks.
The Jerusalem Rap Battle (by Lil Mackey)Winner
Mack (Age 12)
Solihull School
The Jeruselem Rap Battle (by Lil Macky)
Many people visit the wall of the west,
Life is a lesson; I'm passing the test.
Write a prayer on a little piece of paper.
My boy Jesus said, 'honour thy neighbour'.
Christians, Hindus,Muslims, Jews, In Jerusalem there's nothing to lose.
By far the best place in Israel
On this sight equality will prevail,
Race shouldn't be something we judge someone by
Tomorrow, I'm gonna see a Rabbi.
Christians,Hindus,Muslims,Jews, In Jerusalem there's nothing to lose
Many people visit Mohammed's rock
There's a mosque above it, nowhere near Iraq
Also, the Muslims have the Hajj,
Did you know the Zamzam water is free of charge!
Christians,Hindus,Muslims,Jews,In Jeruselam there's nothing to lose
Next is the place where Jesus was crucified,
But we all know that he never really died!
The Church of Holy Sepulchre is the site of the tomb
Magdalene saw him and her heart went BOOM!
Christians,Hindus,Muslims,Jews,In Jerusalem there's nothing to lose
But in this sacred city there is a lot of beef
Loads of people fought,just for their belief
Now it's time for Lil Macky to end his rap
Go to Old Sils and get a sausage bap
Christians,Hindus,Muslims,Jews,In Jerusalem there's nothing to lose
The Religious Rap (by Lil Grimey)Winner
Liam (Age 12)
Solihull School
The Religious Rap (by Lil Grimey)
A dope spot we hang in is the Western Wall
Learning religious tings, you don't learn in school (ennit fam)
Writing prayers on a little piece of paper
You can search it up but be sure to do it later.
'Cause we'll be walking,and walking, and walking all night
Just waiting to see the light.
All religions come together and be one
In the Church of Holy Sepulchre, you might see a nun.
Next onto the little town in France
The country of mimes and the country of romance.
Where a little girl named Bernadette spotted her first vision
Then making a decision to follow the Catholic religion.
'Cause we'll be walking, and walking, and walking all night
Just waiting and waiting to see the light
All religions come together and be one
In the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, you might see a nun.
Now finally we're at the Cathedral of Canterbury
'Cause this is the place where my boy Henry IV was buried.
Once upon a time a Becket was made Archbishop
But then he sadly died 'cause he was way too ambitious.
'Cause we'll be walking, and walking, and walking all night
Just waiting and waiting to see the light.
All religions come together and be one
In the Church of Holy Sepulchre, you might see a nun.
Today God took me to the beach Winner
Emilie (Age 11)
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Today God Took Me To The Beach
Today God took me to the beach,
Where he carried me on his own two feet.
We sang and he taught me a hymn,
That told you not to sin.
Next, he took me to the river Jordan,
I took out the flask that my water was stored in.
I cleansed then washed myself
And cleared my mind for my mental health.
God told me not to listen to Satan,
Otherwise I could be handing my fate in.
We went to the forest,
So that we could listen to the birds' chorus.
I saw a prancing deer,
Where my house was near.
Finally, we went to a fountain,
At the top of a mountain.
God told me he would never leave my side
And would me in my every stride.
That was just a day with God,
Which could never be taken from me
even by the greatest fraud.
Sami (Age 6)
Parkhill Infants School
My Dad went on a journey.
He went for days.
He went to Mecca,
So he could pray.
He saw the Kubbah.
He went far and I missed him.
We will give him lots of chocolates.
Meg (Age 15)
St Mary's School
"I've come this far without you
the journey that is my life,
but lately I've been kind of blue
and I didn't think I could survive,
this feeling of the loss of you.
Some days it consumes me
and I never know what to do,
then I think I shouldn't make a big deal
because he doesn't feel,
the same way I do.
I've grown up without you
and I'm stronger for it,
so I guess in a way I should thank you,
Because I am who I am today.
I guess it's ok
that you're not here,
because you never truly were
when you were I was full of fear,
But you were like whatever.
I know I was never
The twinkle in your eyes,
but then one day you left
and didn't say goodbye ,
and I was left alone."
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