Depending on where you are teaching and the type of school you teach in, inspection arrangements differ. What types of questions might inspectors ask and how might you answer them? How can you show the quality of your provision and impact on pupil outcomes. OFSTED Inspections contain a subject interview for chosen subject and are designed to support the inspector to understand the quality of the whole curriculum on offer. This session will also support this type of interview.
Are you using Understanding Christianity in your school? Does your agreed syllabus teach through key concepts? This session is designed for anyone using Understanding Christianity to increase their subject knowledge on the concept of Salvation, use some of the resources and think about planning. This session is ideal for class teachers or anyone who wants to increase subject knowledge to support in the teaching of this concept.
Strengthen your knowledge on the teaching of RE in light of OFSTED research. This one-day course is ideal for primary teachers looking to deepen their knowledge… This course will help you to think about how RE in your school is structured using OFSTED terminology and support schools to think about their curriculum in the light of OFSTED research. The course will also give teachers numerous practical and ready to use ideas to implement with the 4-11 age range in RE. This course will focus on the purpose and intent of RE in your schools. different forms of knowledge, progression mapping, strategies for measuring impact.
Refresh your repertoires of teaching strategies with this wide-ranging course, which will equip you with fresh classroom ideas and materials around some key current issues in the subject. Hear about the latest resources, think and ideas to use in your classroom.
Get the confidence and subject knowledge to teach about Christianity: Text Impact Connections through this tried and tested course which is supported by a substantial whole school teachers handbook. Many locally agreed syllabuses include requirements for teaching Christianity that are directly supported by this resource. This resource supports good quality teaching about Christianity and can be used within the requirements of your syllabus guidelines.
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