As a Primary Headteacher or RE Subject Leader or Secondary RE Head of Department or RE teacher Support our School membership helps you, and equips your fellow teachers with great resources for teaching good RE in your school.
By providing focused CPD to educate your teachers at all stages of their careers and accessible resources we can help you develop excellent RE teaching in your school.
In addition to all the member benefits listed below, our school membership also allows multiple log-ins for all your staff. Which means they can all access our free teaching resources.
Become a member (pay by invoice)
Member benefits
- Termly REtoday magazine which focuses on classroom best practice and RE-related news
- Free termly Primary OR Secondary curriculum book packed full of practical classroom activities
- E-newsletter with a free teaching resource plus links to additional resources, news and relevant events
- Free online access to REtoday articles in our online library
- Free online access to Professional REflection articles in our online library
- 25% discount on all courses
- 25% discount on RE teaching books
- 25% off schemes of work
- virtual welcome webinar
- Discounted entry to our national conference Strictly RE
- Access to the member area of the NATRE website with over 2,000 free resources
- Free digital ‘RE in Action’ book
- Free RE Today digital book ‘Assessment in RE: a practical guide’
- Primary or secondary digital subject leader’s toolkit
- Access to Local Groups
- Exclusive online access to British Journal of Religious Education
- Free additional logins for all staff
- Free Headteacher briefing and ‘NATRE: Withdrawal from RE’ resource
£170 per year (£14.17 per month)
Join today
- Call: 0121 458 3313
- Join online